Runner's Club runs twice a year. Please check back for more information on our Fall session. WHEN: TBD at 7:15am, weather permitting WHERE: Northwest Elementary Track (behind the school) WHAT: Students are invited to run or walk around the track before school starts. Parent volunteers mark student arms for every lap they complete. We will hand out 1 charm for every 4 laps (1 mile) for them to wear on a necklace. WHO: All students, parents, and even siblings at NWES! Students have been enjoying this club so we encourage everyone to participate. WHY: What’s better than getting rewarded to exercise before school?! Students enjoy running with their friends and earning charms. Teachers and parents love the relaxed, happy students.
Rules of Runner's Club
THE RULES for Parents and Students:
Zero bullying/rough housing tolerance. If you are seen doing either, you will not be allowed to participate in Runner’s Club.
Do not let your child out UNTIL it is 7:15am AND there is a Runner’s Club volunteer on the track. This is a safety issue if we are setting up and not ready to manage traffic or students yet.
New students to the club are given one necklace. We do not give them out each Fall or Spring session. This teaches responsibility and keeps our costs down. We will not replace lost necklaces or charms.
Weather cancellations will be posted on the NWES Facebook page. We will post as quickly as we can. This is a fun activity for students, but not a requirement. So, if it’s cold or wet, we will cancel. We may also cancel for events such as picture day.
You are rewarded for the amount of laps you run each morning. You must get at least 4 laps that morning to get a charm.
Drop Off
Use the left lane to drop off at the tractor shed for Runner’s Club. Use the right lane to wait for regular school drop off if you are not participating in Runner’s Club. Do not line up at the basketball goals for Runner’s Club. If your child is dropped off before school opens, they must go to the track and participate. Watch and obey the Runner’s Club traffic volunteers for student safety and driving directions. Please see the below map. Runner's Club Drop Off Map
If you have questions, please contact Diane Reese at [email protected].
Parents are needed! We have a high turnout each time (over 100!) and need parents to mark arms, pass out charms, manage traffic, etc. If you'd like to help out with Runners Club, please download and fill out the below form and return it to the office. Please note, it can take up to 3 weeks to process. Background Authorization and Release